Sunday, March 28, 2010

Cyber Crime Is A Real Threat Says FBI

Cybercrime is growing says FBI and it is a great threat for the nation. FBI warns the security in the United States as it is eating at data and cash.

Robert Mueller, chief of Federal Bureau of Investigation addressed to RSA Conference of computer security professionals on Thursday in San Francisco, "The risks are right at our doorsteps and in some cases they are in the house."

He also added, "Working together we can find the people taking shots at us and stop those attacks."

Robert Mueller said that cyber-attack will have the similar impact as a well-placed bomb in the country.

"In the past 10 years, Al-Qaeda's online presence has become as potent as its in-world presence," he said.

He also continued that the cyber-terrosism threat is very real for the states and it is also rapidly expanding.

Mueller said, "Terrorists have shown a clear interest in hacking skills and combining real attacks with cyber attacks."

Tags: Cybercrime, FBI

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