Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Beware of April Fool's Day - Spyware Infections Increase

With April Fool's on the horizon, along with it comes an increase in spyware and malware infections, causing havoc for computer users, not to mention time in lost productivity, additional expenses, and worst of all the inconvenience and frustration it causes.

Be super careful and vigilant during this time. Simple tips to follow:

  • Don't open emails from people you don't know, especially if they have files or attachments.
  • Awareness of what software you're using. Be familiar with its delivery of its warnings and alerts. "Scareware" tactics try to fool you into something that could be malware, wreaking havoc with your computer or worse yet, hijacking your computer.. Don't be "fooled" by them.
  • Give social networking sites like Facebook, ,Twitter, My Space, etc a break for a week or so. If it's important or they miss you, tell them to call instead.
  • Think before you click!!! Use extra caution before visiting new websites you haven't been to before. Even seemingly "innocent" websites could be booby-trapped with malicious software.
  • Run multiple layers of security software. A single solution may not be enough.
Syware and malware authors have become more creative, more sophisticated. Every day, thousands of new infections are being created, greatly reducing the effectiveness of free or even off the shelf antivirus protection, rendering existing anti-spyware and anti-virus solutions in effective.

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