Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Thieves target guests at metro water park hotel

Thieves snuck into hotel rooms at a Twin Cities water park on two different weekends and stole guests' electronics, according to Brooklyn Park police.

Police said the thieves hit three rooms at the Grand Rios Hotel on March 27 and three more rooms on April 3.

The Altman family from Brook Park said the crooks stole two lap tops, a cell phone, power cords and a wireless mouse from their room.

The family said hotel management is working to replace their electronics, but the family is still upset.

Tina Altman said, "That still doesn't replace all the pictures of my boys, all their information everything on them laptops."

Police said there was no forced entry in any of the thefts, so they have not ruled out the possibility the crimes were an inside job.

Kevin Altman said, "I'm pretty mad, especially when we found out there are multiple other ones, and it's still happening. It's just not right."

Police said there were several room breakins last summer, with no arrest.

Police say management made security changes after those thefts.

5 EYEWITNESS NEWS was not able to reach hotel management for comment Tuesday.

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